
Press releases​

ANRE presents to Parliament the report on its second year of activity.

Rabat, the  27th of December 2023– The president of the National Electricity Regulatory Authority (ANRE), Mr. Abdellatif Bardach, presented on Wednesday December 27, 2023 in Rabat, to the members of the Infrastructure and Energy, mines and the environment Commission of the House of Representatives, the activity report of the Authority, relating to the financial year 2022. The report concerns in this case the second year of activity of the ANRE, after the entry into force, on April 21, 2021, of Law No. 48-15 relating to the regulation of the electricity sector and the creation of ANRE.

The year of activity which was scrutinized was marked by the launch of a series of strategic projects as part of the exercise of the Authority’s missions and in constant consultation with the stakeholders of the vital sector represented by the energy, and this in line with the enlightened and avant-garde vision of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI may God glorify Him.

Indeed, in addition to the publication of the first Code of the National Electric Transport Network in January and the setting of the Pricing Methodology for the use of the national electricity transport network in December, i.e. the first independent and transparent energy tariff framework in Morocco, ANRE also launched a multitude of other structuring projects in 2022, including the accounting separation of the historic operator’s activities.

On the aspect of Morocco’s international influence, it was in 2022 that ANRE was elected, through its President, Mr. Abdellatif Bardach, at the head of the Mediterranean Association of Energy Regulators (MEDREG) as well as the vice-presidency of the French-speaking Network of Energy Regulators (RegulaE.Fr), of which she now chairs. This is only the fruit of the cumulative and concrete achievements of the Kingdom on the international scene under the impetus of Royal leadership.

“The Authority and its Organs will spare no effort as a force of proposal in accordance with the provisions of Law 48-15 by providing proposals to develop energy legislation in line with the High Directives of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, may God assist and glorify Him,” declared Mr. Bardach during his presentation.

Finally, this meeting also constituted a valuable opportunity to discuss with parliamentarians the future challenges of energy and the pioneering role that Morocco intends to play in this area both at the continental and international level.