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ANRE signs a memorandum of understanding with its Mauritanian counterpart

Rabat, the 23 of November 2023 – While the National Electricity Regulatory Authority (ANRE) has just brought together more than 20 energy regulatory authorities from the French-speaking world, in Rabat, around the subject of energy interconnections and their role in co-development and regional integration, here it is that it achieves a new realization on the path traced by the avant-garde High Directions of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him.

Indeed, the President of ANRE, Mr. Abdellatif Bardach and his counterpart from the Regulatory Authority of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (ARE), Mr. Ahmed Mohamedou, signed this Thursday 23 of November 2023 during a ceremony in Rabat, a Memorandum of Understanding to increase collaboration between the two parties in the field of energy regulation and to strengthen the fraternal ties that unite the Kingdom of Morocco and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

The memorandum initialed by the two Presidents will, on the one hand, strengthen and develop bilateral cooperation in various areas of energy regulation, and more particularly electricity, through the exchange of experiences and the improvement of the investment climate. On the other hand, this cooperation framework ratifies the desire to support, in an anticipatory approach, the Moroccan, Mauritanian and Senegalese electricity transmission networks managers. This action paves the way for the electricity interconnection project between the 3 countries initially, before realizing the interconnection with the West African Power Pool (WAPP), in a second phase.

“This signing opens a valuable opportunity for our brother countries to boost the future creation of an integrated continental electricity network. An achievement which will strengthen security of supply in the West African region and allow our Continent to benefit from the existing interconnection between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula”, declared Abdellatif Bardach during the signing ceremony.

Following this signing, Mr. Bardach and Mr. Mohamedou reaffirmed their commitment to working together to strengthen this partnership and to meet the energy challenges faced.